
Jackson’s first movie

Definitely an oldie at almost 30 years old: The Land Before Time.

I was just trying to find something with dinosaurs and that’s the only one I could think of! He didn’t seem to mind the outdated graphics, haha.


Must bring snacks

At the time, I didn’t think anything of it. But later when I got home and unpacked my bag, I realized I probably didn’t need to pack peanut butter crackers, two fruit bars and a package of graham crackers for my brief visit to the park to meet a friend. (And no, Jackson was not with me.)


COVID or postpartum?

Pretty much every week I’m convinced that I have COVID.

I never have a soar throat but I always feel like one is about to start, as strange as that sounds, haha. And my whole body is just sore and tired. So. Tired.

“Those are the symptoms of being a mother to a 3-month old,” Justin tells me.

But what if it’s COVID?!!?!


Pandemic play

I drove by a school today with kids outside for recess. Each kid was standing on their marked spot on the blacktop. All equally spaced out. And no one was moving except to kick a ball back and forth to each other. It was the strangest sight! So sad!  



While I may not immediately post things on this blog as they happen, I do take notes every day, or at least for every moment that I know I will want to write about later.

I’ll jot down little details in my phone, and quotes verbatim. As a journalist I would have it no other way. (So yes, Jackson really does say those things! haha)

That’s all to say that I got to my notes for today’s entry and I was a little perplexed. It only read: $35.25 Walmart order.

What in the world?! I thought.

Not enough info! What did I buy? Why did I want to blog about it? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

Then it finally dawned on me: You need to spend $35 to qualify for free shipping. Of course in all my online shopping I always add things to my cart to get the free shipping. So here I was so proud of how I was able to get my grand total so close to that threshold.

Only over by a quarter? New record!!

Even funnier that I deemed this worthy of recording.
