
Alternate message

Daniel Tiger, one of Jackson’s TV shows, has a lot of little songs and rhymes to teach all kinds of great lessons for preschoolers. One of them — meant to help the kids transition when play time is over — goes: “That was fun, but now it’s done.”

Sounds awesome, right?!

Well Jackson keeps ripping toys out of Beckham’s hands, singing “that was fun, but now it’s done!”


Choose wisely

One of these bowls is cinnamon and sugar while the other is cinnamon and salt.

(Jackson took the initiative to start baking without me.)


One year ago

I was buying Halloween candy and it dawned on me that it was right around this time last year when I found out I was pregnant with Beckham!!

Of course I remembered because at that time the only thing I was able to eat was leftover Halloween candy. Specifically the Hersey’s cookies and cream bars, which would momentarily get rid of the nasty taste that was always in my mouth.

I didn’t buy those again this year. Too scared it will bring back that taste, haha.

So wild, though, to think that it was little Beckham in there that whole time! 🙂

Also very wild to think back to a normal (pre-pandemic) Halloween.


Outside only, please

One COVID perk: Not having to clean when people come over!

(BTW, the one bare spot behind Beckham is where I was sitting. And the one bare spot behind Jackson is where I just picked up a train set that was there. And five minutes later he noticed it was gone and was asking for it.)


Uh oh

Jackson figured out how to unlock the door to the outside. We may need to get a Michael Lock over here.

(The “Michael Lock” was a little fish hook lock we had on our front door growing up so that my younger brother Michael wouldn’t be able to escape out of the house…

We called it the “Michael Lock” and always had to remind one another to make sure the “Michael Lock” was on. )


Step right up

Which station would you like?

We have a food station, puzzle station, dinosaur station, pumpkin station, monster station and excavating station.

This actually started from me being too lazy to clean the table when Jackson was ready for a new activity. I just kept pushing things off to the side, and then viola — the “stations” were born.

And turns out he actually loved moving back and forth between them all, haha.


Bad dog

Today Luc ate pancakes for breakfast, a bagel with cream cheese for lunch and a dinner roll for dinner. All stolen off the table. And I still can’t get a hold of any trainers!


Breaking news

I was still half asleep when I picked up the baby for a 3 a.m. feeding but was quickly jolted awake by the breaking news alert on my phone that the president tested positive for coronavirus. I couldn’t believe it — and wanted so badly to wake up Justin to tell him!

Also, usually at this time of the night I’m catching up on old news — not reading it hot off the presses!
