Too close for comfort

We learned that someone from Beckham’s therapy clinic tested positive for the coronavirus. It wasn’t his physical therapist, and no one we had direct contact with, but it still totally freaked me out. The place is so tiny, I worried it could have easily spread.

Plus they are only shutting down for cleaning for one day. Anybody who had direct contact with that person was told to stay home and quarantine, but I don’t understand why they wouldn’t make everyone get tested. I believe they are going by the guidelines that a direct contact is 15 minutes or more… but I wouldn’t be comfortable if our physical therapist had ANY contact with this person.

(Edited to add: The CDC did change the definition of a direct contact later to a cumulative 15 minutes even if it’s broken up — say, a few minutes here, a few minutes there. Yet another reason to not get comfortable! They are still learning how this works.)

I’m pretty sure it was a student observer because they updated their COVID protocols and the one change I noticed was that student observers are no longer allowed inside. I get that this is complicated, but why did they ever allow students in? We are bringing our newborn baby in — there shouldn’t be anyone in the office who is not necessary.

After some debating back and forth, we are going to skip our next session so that two full weeks have passed before we go back. It’s hard because you don’t want to make things worse for Beckham’s physical therapy by skipping. But I also didn’t want to risk that our PT might have caught it and was asymptomatic.

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