
Interesting movie taste

I was on another Zoom meeting for work while Jackson was watching YouTube videos of marching bands at Buckingham Palace (one of his usual favorites).

When my call ends, I notice he’s watching what looks like something from the 1930s — a slow-paced, black-and-white video inside a bread factory. With no sound.

Definitely not your typical kids show, but he was utterly fascinated!


Mr. Independent

I was on a Zoom meeting for work while sitting at the dining room table when Jackson disappeared for a bit into his playroom.

All of a sudden he starts shouting, “Mommy! Come see what I made! Come see what I made!”

He runs over to me holding up a full-blown, freshly-made watercolor painting. Mind you, none of the art supplies were out when I left him in that playroom.

I tried to maintain focus on my colleagues, but all I was really thinking was, Whaaaaa? How did he do that?!

My meeting came to an end, so I headed over to the playroom and, sure enough, Jackson somehow managed to find and set-up the paint tray, paint brushes, paper and a little cup of water — all by himself!

He was pretty neat, too. There was a little paint on the table, but luckily none on the walls!

Note to self: Move paint to a higher shelf in the closet.

(Edited to add: I later discovered how he pulled this off. When he finished painting, he stashed away the supplies — including the little cup of water — in one of the drawers that he can reach in the dresser. Not where this stuff is normally kept, but that works I suppose.)


Learning French

Apparently Jackson has picked up a little French, too. He keeps running around the room singing the French song “Alouette, Gentille Alouette” while upside down.

I have no idea where this came from! But he keeps doing it over and over and over. Another reason why I can’t get any work done at home, haha.

(Edited to add: It was from the Wiggles… of course! And Lachy sings it while doing a handstand.)
