
Doggy regression

Everyone keeps asking how Jackson is handling the adjustment with the new baby. He really seems to be doing just fine. He gets excited about seeing and playing with Beckham, helps me out if I need things for the baby and otherwise has fun playing with Justin all day.

The real problem child is Luc.

Luc, Luc, Luc.

The thought never even crossed my mind that he might react poorly. I guess I assumed he already adjusted to kids when we brought Jackson home, so what’s the difference now? But he has been terrible!!!!

I don’t know if it’s just my lack of sleep and lack of patience right now, but it seems like his barking has gotten worse, if that’s even possible. He is just barking non-stop. Plus old OCD habits that we had been making progress on have come back — barking at light reflections, barking before meals, etc. He’s chewing things more, grabbing toys, napkins and such. And he peed on the floor a few times.

Sometimes it seems like he just sniffs around the room looking for ways to cause trouble.

He’s also become more aggressive about food. He’ll bark at Justin when he brings me dinner on the couch. He gets into my (empty) ice cream bowl if I leave it on the end table. And all of a sudden, out of the blue he discovered how to jump up on the dining room chairs and steal food from the table. He never did this before! So the second Jackson steps down from his chair, Luc jumps up and grabs his food. It’s totally impossible to manage.

He’s driving me nuts. Helppppp!


My loyal pup

Luc has not left my side throughout this entire period of bedrest. He leaves to go to the bathroom and eat, but otherwise comes running straight back to me. (He probably just wants that pregnancy pillow!)


Scooch over

Stole my spot when I went to the bathroom again. This last time, however, he refused to move. I had to try and squeeze in there with him somehow!
