
Interesting idea

Jackson, while walking at a park: “Do we have garbage for the garbage can?”

Me: “No, we don’t have any garbage.”

Jackson: “Maybe Beckham can be the garbage.” 


Please don’t call DCFS

Sooooo… I was in the nursery changing Beckham’s diaper when Jackson yelled up to me from downstairs, “I’m coming, Mommy!”

Next I hear, “Look at me!” — which is usually a cause for concern — so I peek my head out to find Jackson had somehow managed to ride his bike up the stairs??!!?! A tricycle nonetheless!

I always thought one of the benefits to having your kids a little more spaced out was that you wouldn’t have to worry about the older one going up and down the stairs. The idea of that involving a bike, though, certainly never crossed my mind!


Dinosaur Adventure: Part II

A drive-thru dinosaur exhibit was coming to town, one with life-size replicas that move and make sounds, too. It sounded pretty cool for a socially distanced event, but after the mess at the library I was worried Jackson would be terrified and it’d be a waste of money.

But seeing as we don’t have very many options for outings this summer, I figured we should give it a shot. And the dino event at the library was good preparation — now we know what to do better the second time around.

And this time, Jackson was super excited and had a lot of fun. He was scared at first when he saw the dinosaurs from far away, but quickly warmed up to it. Plus this time I sat in the back next to him (somehow I was able to wedge myself in between two car seats!), and I also took Beckham out and onto my lap so he didn’t fuss either.

Aside from a terrible blowout and having to put Beckham on the console to change/clean him/me, the day was a success!!


Poll the audience

Do you look at this picture and

a) think, “Aww, how sweet!”


b) cringe?

The correct answer is CRINGE!

I don’t think anything bad happened in this particular instance; however, looking back at this photo all I see is a disaster waiting to happen. I have since learned Jackson cannot be trusted by the baby in anything that swings, rocks or bounces. Ahhhhh!


Justin was offended

Jackson:  “You’re Daniel Tiger. I’m Biscuit. Beckham is Curious George. Mommy is Peppa Pig. Luc is Dr. Hamster.”

Justin: “What are the cats?”

Jackson: “Nothing.”


Our new reality

Jackson finally got his first mask. And kept it on for all of two seconds…

In Illinois, anyone age 2 and over has to wear one in public when you can’t socially distance. Seems soooooo young!!


Story flop

During story time, Jackson handed me Beckham’s toy mirror and said, “Here, this is a book.”

I ran with the idea and launched into this whole pretend story based on his reflection in the mirror.

I finished my newly invented tale, pretty proud of myself for such creativity on the spot.

To which Jackson says, point-blank:

“No, Mommy. That’s a mirror. You need a book.”


Jurassic Drive-Thru

Our library had a super cute dinosaur event, COVID-style in the parking lot. They had various stations set up and you could drive by each one without getting out of your car. Something new and different to go experience, yet safe enough for even my comfort level.

But it went about as poorly as it could go.

First there was a bit of a line, and once the car stopped moving, Beckham started screaming. I ended up getting out to rock him and walked alongside our car at the same time.

Then, at the very first station, they had someone wearing one of those blow-up T-Rex costumes. Jackson totally freaked out. He was terrified when it was our turn to pull up and the guy started coming towards our car (he didn’t even get that close before realizing what was happening).

“Roll the window up!!” Jackson was yelling in between sobs.

We tried to quickly go to the next station but Jackson couldn’t really recover. There another worker asked him if he wanted to play a toss game. Jackson said no, still crying. He did manage to get out a little “roar” when this guy asked him what sound dinosaurs make, but again we quickly sped off to the next station.

The next spot had various dinosaurs on display, although I don’t think Jackson could really see any of it since he was still in his car seat. Off we went again.

At the next stop, a lady read a dinosaur story to Jackson (six feet away, through the window). This section went the best, as Jackson had calmed down. (The orange dinosaur — the T-Rex — had made Soldier Teddy Bear nervous, he told us.)

But then the book ended abruptly with the dinosaur eating the main character. It was very odd. Why they chose that book is beyond me!

Finally the last section was another display but we didn’t even bother stopping. By this point we all couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

It was a neat event in theory, just didn’t work for us this time around, haha.

Beckham sporting dinosaur attire for the occasion.

Another Italian lesson

Funny how he remembered that he kept calling me Emma during our first Italian lesson, and then continues to do so again here.

Also, it just dawned on me while posting, but this reminds me of a clip of Jackson’s Aunty Emily falling off a chair in Italy (one of the funniest videos of all time!).


Take #2

We visited the Metra station again, and this time Jackson moved to the front with me — so he definitely saw the trains this time!


Mementos from Africa

This was a drum I bought in Tunisia during my semester abroad in 2008. Who would have thought then that 12 years later I’d have a little boy drumming on it?!

(Also, this drum survived my travels from Africa to Europe to the U.S. But how long is it going to survive in the hands of Jackson?!)


What in the world

The rocking chair cushion is back. Not only as a pillow for his head, but somehow Jackson got his entire body sleeping on top of it. And is that a balloon?!?!?!?
