
The elf is running late

Day 2 of Elf on the Shelf aaaaand… I forgot to do it again, lol.

I need to get that thing out of the box right now or it’s going to be Christmas Eve before we start!

I also think I may have been a bit too ambitious with the cleaning idea, too. I told Jackson we needed to clean because the elf was coming, and the best I could get him to do was like four pieces of a toy. And if that’s the best I could get on the first night, it’s only going to dissipate more haha. Worth a shot!

Also Jackson kept asking when the “elephant” was coming. I had to keep repeating, “No, ELF!”


Pinterest Fail

The idea was to have Jackson make a cute holiday wreath out of handprints — a classic!

However things took a turn when he insisted on red finger paint.

Red handprints chaotically smeared all over a piece of paper? Looked more like Halloween horror than Christmas decor!


Elf on the Shelf

I kept debating whether I really wanted to start this holiday tradition… seems like it could be kinda fun, but you do hear parents lament all the work involved in coming up with creative ideas and remembering to move it around every night.

I think pandemic guilt got the better of me — trying to add a little more fun back into this unusual holiday season and this was, at least, something we could do from home. And then fear from all the out of stock items this year led me to impulse buy an elf once I saw one available.

So, I officially committed… eek!

That being said, I am changing the rules a bit for our elf. We’re keeping it simple: Ignoring all the naughty stuff, just moving the elf to a new spot, and only doing it for the 12 days of Christmas.

Plus a new goal — get everyone to clean each night before the elf comes, lol.


Tree delivery

Our Christmas tree has arrived! In full pandemic style… home delivery! I wasn’t sure how it would look after being crammed in a box, but it actually turned out to be a really nice tree. We might have a new yearly tradition, haha.
