
Trick-or-treating, 2020 style

With the number of local COVID cases practically doubling day after day leading up to Halloween, I had been torn about whether or not we should go trick-or-treating.

Then on Halloween I saw that nearly everybody on our street set up a “trick-or-treat” table at the end of their driveway with candy scattered about. We did the same thing. That way kids could still parade around and get candy without having to interact with people at the door or stick their hands in a shared bowl.

With that being the case, we decided to head on out — even though both boys were already so tired out from the party earlier in the day. Jackson was super excited at first, but only made it to a handful of houses… errr, tables? Definitely a different experience this year, but fun nonetheless!


Step right up

Which station would you like?

We have a food station, puzzle station, dinosaur station, pumpkin station, monster station and excavating station.

This actually started from me being too lazy to clean the table when Jackson was ready for a new activity. I just kept pushing things off to the side, and then viola — the “stations” were born.

And turns out he actually loved moving back and forth between them all, haha.


Haunted house

A little behind schedule, but we finally got the Halloween decorations up. We didn’t do the usual decor in the house this year (no Halloween party due to covid) but we did add more to the outside with new lights and a few more spiders. It turned out super cool!
