
New delivery options

We just discovered 7-11 is now available on Grub-Hub. At first we were laughing — who in the world would get 7-11 delivered? I need Lunchables and beef jerky, pronto!!

But then the more we read through the menu, the more we realized it was kind of awesome.

You could get a gallon of milk at your door, ASAP! Or batteries! Or a carton of ice cream!

And of course, a Slurpee!

The more I think about it, this would have been pretty nice for all those random pregnancy cravings. It’s probably better that this didn’t exist back then, haha.

We haven’t actually ordered 7-11 (yet), but there was another intriguing new option that we did try: Potbelly groceries!

Instead of a pre-made sandwich, we got the ingredients — deli meat, bread and mayonnaise — from Potbelly’s to make our own lunches.

Now we’re basically having Potbelly’s every day. Pretty tasty!
