
1st visit to the dentist

I had Jackson’s first dental visit booked just before the pandemic started last year, but I was a spaz and missed the appointment. The re-scheduled date ended up falling during the stay-at-home order, so that one got canceled, too.

He was probably long over due, considering he is over 3 years old now, but finally we made it in.

And as if seeing the dentist isn’t nerve-racking enough, the poor kid had to wear a mask and then deal with all the people wearing face shields and loads of protective gear, along with all their regular drills and scary gadgets.

He did so great, though!

Sat perfectly, followed all their directions, answered all their questions. The dentist and hygienist were both super nice and slowly guided him through the process. All in all, smooth sailing.

And thankfully, no cavities!


One year ago

I was buying Halloween candy and it dawned on me that it was right around this time last year when I found out I was pregnant with Beckham!!

Of course I remembered because at that time the only thing I was able to eat was leftover Halloween candy. Specifically the Hersey’s cookies and cream bars, which would momentarily get rid of the nasty taste that was always in my mouth.

I didn’t buy those again this year. Too scared it will bring back that taste, haha.

So wild, though, to think that it was little Beckham in there that whole time! 🙂

Also very wild to think back to a normal (pre-pandemic) Halloween.



I don’t think this had a deeper meaning, but through the lens of COVID this is so sad!

Jackson, talking about a picture he drew: “It’s a Halloween party. But it’s missing something.”

Me: “Oh, what’s it missing?”

Jackson: “It needs friends.” 


Breaking news

I was still half asleep when I picked up the baby for a 3 a.m. feeding but was quickly jolted awake by the breaking news alert on my phone that the president tested positive for coronavirus. I couldn’t believe it — and wanted so badly to wake up Justin to tell him!

Also, usually at this time of the night I’m catching up on old news — not reading it hot off the presses!
