
Happy New Year!

Sayonara, 2020!!! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! lol

2020 will be memorable, that’s for sure. But I think we’re all just so excited to usher in the new year, even while we’re all celebrating at home.

Sure, nothing will really change tomorrow — with the pandemic still ongoing — but it’s at least a symbolic fresh start. And fingers crossed our vaccines will be here soon.

After watching the New Year’s Eve specials (with hardly any people in Times Square) and the fake firework display (no joke!), we are toasting to better days ahead.

Cheers to 2021!


2020 Bingo

My friend sent me this — such a funny game to cap off this wild year! I certainly got a lot of squares marked off. Although I can’t believe it’s been all this time, and I’ve still never tried a “quarantini”!

Also in my defense, I did intend on voting, lol. I thought had requested a mail-in ballot and kept waiting for it to arrive, only to discover after the deadline that the envelop was sitting in a pile somewhere. And the thought of going in person to the polls…you mean….around people?!?! Ahhhh!

“Adopted a pet” was another one I was tempted by. Definitely looked up and found some cute animals available on occasion (prompted by Emily! haha) but thankfully never followed through. Our house is already a zoo!


Socially distanced Santa

Santa and his elves stopped by later in the day with an outdoor COVID-safe visit. Jackson was so excited about it — after the fact — but gave side eye while he was here, lol.

Santa also surprised Jackson with his number one wish from his list — a saxophone!


Scenes from the Pandemic

With online shopping exploding during the pandemic, a new Amazon warehouse opened up nearby. Recently I was driving by and a huge fleet of identical vans were all rolling out — one after another after another. It was the strangest sight — like military vehicles deploying for battle!
