
Holding hands

Jackson is really getting the hang of holding the baby. He asks to hold Beckham and then he’ll run to get a pillow, setting it all up under his arm on the couch.


Ready for camping

Unfortunately Beckham can’t join his cousins on their camping trip this weekend, so we pretended from home. This sleeping bag was actually made by mom for one of my dolls when I was a kid! She found it last year and gave it to us to use for Jackson’s stuffed animal, Lamb, when we all went camping last summer. And now it fits Beckham perfectly!


Photo tricks

Since the Suls could only visit from afar, we tried to alter the perception and make it look like Kelly was holding Beckham — just like those vacation photos where people pretend to be holding up monuments. It kinda worked! If only I could have hid out of sight.


Happy due date!

Beckham’s original due date was today, June 16. (Also Colleen’s birthday!!) It’s crazy to think if I hadn’t been induced early, I would most likely still be pregnant (and probably for another week still).

Beckham already feels like he’s been with our family for so long, and the hospital feels like ages ago. Funny how that works!


And the winner is…

Thanks to everyone who sent in their baby predictions! It was fun to read through your submissions.

For most of the questions I gave one point for each correct answer, and then for time, weight and length, I awarded one point to whoever came closest in each category.

It was a close competition, and we ended up with a tie for first place. Each with an impressive 5 point total, the two people sharing the crown are…

Aunt Kristen and Lisa Fish!

Congratulations!!! Enjoy a vanilla latte as your prize! 🙂

Some notable responses:

  • Kristen came within a mere 20 minutes of the correct date and time with her guess of 1:38 a.m. on June 10. Wow! SO crazy!
  • Aunt Ginny was correct in her guess that the first name would start with a “B.” I can’t believe there was actually a winner here with so many possibilities! Made it easy for me. Not sure how else I would have done it — count the closest letter in the alphabet?
  • I had the correct weight at 7 lbs 8 oz and nearly the right length with a guess of 21 inches. (I swear I never got any inside info from the doctors! Although I suppose I did carry him for 9 months… Either way, I’m not counting my answers in the contest.)
  • Respondents were split almost 50/50 on the gender but were nearly unanimous in predicting hair. (There was no mustache, though…Sorry, Dylan! haha)

Answer Key

Gender: Boy

Date: 6/10/20

Time: 1:57 a.m.

Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz

Length: 20.75 in

Hair or no hair: Hair

Eye color: Blue

First name starts with: B


Gifts from Beckham

Jackson got a whole backpack full of cool toys “from Beckham” when we came home from the hospital. It was a “things that go” backpack filled with things that go: a sea plane, two new cars for his racetrack (including a British bus for his England obsession!), a wooden train and monster tuck that you can paint, and a search and find book about different vehicles. I don’t think he fully appreciated my theme, but it was a hit nonetheless.


Who is that again?

Jackson, showing me the welcome home signs he and Grandma colored:

“Look at the decorations we made. It says Mommy and….and….and….and….tell me what the baby’s name is.”



Just like with our Zoom meeting with Jackson, I initially didn’t want to be holding Beckham when we returned from the hospital.

But Jackson was in bed napping when we got back, and by the time he woke up, I was curled up on the couch with the baby — I guess too tired to move. So Justin carried Jackson downstairs for the official brothers meeting.

Talk about a rude awakening! Jackson did not seem pleased. He refused to even look at me. He just wanted to sit with Justin and kept turning his head away from me — with the occasional dirty look at the baby.

I think it was just a bad combination of Jackson being sleepy and me holding Beckham. But thankfully he warmed up to both of us not long after. He opened up some special gifts that Beckham brought for him — I think that definitely helped!

Later he was happy to hold the baby and especially excited to put him in the swing. By the end of the night, he was already sharing Lamb and Soldier Teddy Bear!!


On our way home!

So hard to believe he was born on June 10, and we were already leaving the hospital by 3:30 pm on June 11. Woohoo! Much different than with our little NICU baby, Jackson. And extra speedy because of the coronavirus. I’ll take it!


A virtual visit

Thanks to COVID, no one was allowed in or out of the hospital room.

So, for example, Justin couldn’t leave to get me some ice cubes. Or to pick up food the next day. (After our first order from the cafeteria, we learned we had to actually get two or three “meals” a person in order to not be hungry, lol.) And while normally spouses leave when you get the epidural for sterile reasons, this time they kept Justin in with us during the procedure.

Unfortunately, this policy also meant no visitors could come meet the baby. I was so sad that Jackson couldn’t visit us there. But as with everything these days, we had to make do with Zoom!

Initially I had the camera set only on me, and Justin was out of view holding Beckham. I didn’t want Jackson to be jealous or upset that we were there with the baby and not him.

He didn’t seem to mind, though.

After saying hello, he told me he was exercising and ran away. I thought for sure that would be the end of our visit, haha.

But he did come back to the camera, and I started asking him about what he was doing but he cut me off.

“Where did the baby go?” he said.

Apparently I didn’t have to hide Beckham, after all. We showed him Justin and the baby, who was sleeping, and Jackson said he was sleeping, too. When I said the baby was wrapped in a blanket, he ran to get a blanket, too.

Then Jackson showed us the little baby dolls my mom had brought for him. He was laying them down and putting on their blankets, too.

He was way more interested than I was expecting him to be. And the best part of our virtual visit is that I was able to record it, so now we have a video of the special moment that we can watch again and again.


Finally — a name!

“Let’s just wing it,” Justin said when I was still pregnant and trying to brainstorm names for the baby.

We did have one name picked out for each gender, though, so I’m not really sure why we kept everyone in suspense for so long.

When the nurses asked right after he was born, I was the one who put off announcing it. There was too much going on — no need to make a decision on the spot, I thought.

I just needed a minute, but then it kind of spiraled from there.

Next Justin said we should sleep on it.

Sleep? Ummm… when exactly would that be happening?

Then, when we were in the recovery room, for some reason Justin thought this would be a good time to start looking up baby names.

“I’ve already read them all,” I told him. Literally, I think I read them all.

Still, I was nervous about pulling the trigger.

Is it the right name??? Is it too weird? It’s such a hard decision!! When someone came in for the birth certificate, I told them we needed more time.

Next Justin was second guessing whether we should flip the first and middle names that we had chosen. But I vetoed that idea pretty quickly.

My cousin reminded me to go with my gut. Everyone’s name always ends up fitting perfectly, after all.

Finally I was confident to make a decision. It flows nicely, it goes well with Jackson — plus it’s just an awesome name! And Justin was ready, too.

Back to what we originally picked out, we made it official: Beckham James Dardick.

Fun fact: I first came up with Beckham after I googled “names similar to Bennett” — which is Jackson’s middle name.

Another fun fact: Jackson’s first and middle name initials are JB while this baby is the reverse, BJ. That was not done on purpose, but still fun nonetheless.
