Progress report

At 37 weeks, I was 1 cm dilated, 70 percent effaced and the baby was very low. The doctor thought that was all encouraging news.

However, I wasn’t as convinced. That is the exact same report I got back for Jackson — and he was 10 days late, haha.

I still feel like this baby may come early though — just to throw me for a loop. As far as timing goes, I’ve been getting curveballs with this one since the beginning.

First, when I thought I may be pregnant, I took a pregnancy test that came back negative. I waited another day and got another negative test — assuming at that point I must not be pregnant after all. It wasn’t until several days later when I ultimately did get a positive.

Then at my first ultrasound, the doctor said I was measuring two weeks behind the point I thought I was at. She had me come back for another ultrasound two weeks later, and to all of our surprise, I was back on target for the original due date: June 16.

Fast forward to my last ultrasound, and this time the baby was several days ahead.

So who knows what is going on in there, but I’m expecting another surprise ahead!

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