Physical therapy

We had to start physical therapy today because Beckham was diagnosed at his 2-month appointment with plagiocephaly and torticollis. Basically his head kind of tilts to one side and he ends up laying more often with his head turned to that side. This has led to a flat spot on the right side of his head, and it also kind of shifted his ear forward and made his forehead protrude a bit on one end.

Now we have to really concentrate on strengthening his neck muscles. It’s all very overwhelming, though, because I have to constantly pay attention to which way he is looking — whether he’s laying down or sitting up — and make adjustments accordingly. A lot of the new positions they showed me to hold him in feel so awkward and unnatural. We also have to get in as much tummy time as we can, but at a minimum of 10 minutes for every hour he’s awake. And then there’s a ton of exercises and stretches that I am supposed to do with him at every diaper change. As if babies aren’t already a lot of work!

From here on out, we’ll also be going in to the clinic once a week for additional physical therapy sessions, which in normal times may not be so bad, but in the era of COVID it adds a whole new level of stress. It’s not socially distanced (we are right up in each other’s faces) and it’s a lengthy period of time (1 hour). And who knows how many different families our physical therapist interacts with each week. Ugh, not fun!

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