
While I may not immediately post things on this blog as they happen, I do take notes every day, or at least for every moment that I know I will want to write about later.

I’ll jot down little details in my phone, and quotes verbatim. As a journalist I would have it no other way. (So yes, Jackson really does say those things! haha)

That’s all to say that I got to my notes for today’s entry and I was a little perplexed. It only read: $35.25 Walmart order.

What in the world?! I thought.

Not enough info! What did I buy? Why did I want to blog about it? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

Then it finally dawned on me: You need to spend $35 to qualify for free shipping. Of course in all my online shopping I always add things to my cart to get the free shipping. So here I was so proud of how I was able to get my grand total so close to that threshold.

Only over by a quarter? New record!!

Even funnier that I deemed this worthy of recording.

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