
I went in for my regular OB appointment at 38 weeks, and the doctor sent me straight to the hospital for preeclampsia and warned me that they may have to induce labor right then on the spot.

Ummm… say what now???!

My blood pressure had spiked and it turns out I had protein in my urine, which he said are the two factors used to diagnose preeclampsia. So he said they could do some additional monitoring and lab work at the hospital to get results back quicker. But he added since I was already full-term that they may decide to induce me right away.

Needless to say, I did NOT see that one coming!

I couldn’t help but think of all the ways I wasn’t ready yet for this baby. I had no bags packed, the car seat was not installed, we didn’t really finalize any names, there was no milk (or any food really) in the fridge for Jackson, the bassinet was still filled with socks and of course the house was in shambles.

And yet there I was driving to the hospital.

Once inside, they got me all set up in a delivery room, gave me an IV and hooked me up to all the machines. My blood pressure readings had been fine — until the doctor walked in and said, “OK, are we ready to have this baby?!”

Apparently he thought that was the plan right from the get-go, and when I looked confused he asked me what I thought the plan was. I said I thought we were going to do some monitoring first, and then make a decision. He said that was fine, but just like the last doctor, emphasized that at 38 weeks it may be best to just do it now.

Of course at that moment the blood pressure machine went off, and I’m sure my numbers were off the charts.

Thankfully, though, for the rest of the time, my blood pressure remained stable. The lab results showed some protein but below the threshold for an induction. The nurse said I was kind of in this middle area and asked what my preference would be. I told her as long as the numbers looked fine, in general I had been really hoping to avoid an induction.

After a few hours of monitoring, to my surprise, they did let me go home. The nurse told me that preeclampsia tends to progress quickly so I had to remain on bedrest, try not to talk too much, continue monitoring my own blood pressure and watch out for other symptoms. (“So I can’t go home and wash all the floors?!” I said.) She thought I may have bought myself an extra day or two, but warned that I still may not make it to 39 weeks.

I was happy to go back home — and immediately packed my bag when I got there!

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