First day in the helmet

So far so good! It doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. It’s lighter than I was expecting, and pretty easy to put on. He’ll be wearing it pretty much all the time, except for one hour a day. You have to clean it daily with rubbing alcohol and they want you to let it dry for a full hour before putting it back on. But he’ll also have it off during all of his neck exercises at home and at physical therapy. And then briefly at various points just to check how hot/sweaty he is. Luckily we got it in the winter time so hopefully we won’t have any issues with the heat.

I was really worried about how the first night would go. In addition to sleeping with it on, he also could not have his sleep sack, as usual, because the helmet can make them extra hot. But he seemed totally fine with all the changes. He still woke up a lot, but nothing out of the ordinary. I don’t think the helmet bothered him one bit.

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