Dinosaur Adventure: Part II

A drive-thru dinosaur exhibit was coming to town, one with life-size replicas that move and make sounds, too. It sounded pretty cool for a socially distanced event, but after the mess at the library I was worried Jackson would be terrified and it’d be a waste of money.

But seeing as we don’t have very many options for outings this summer, I figured we should give it a shot. And the dino event at the library was good preparation — now we know what to do better the second time around.

And this time, Jackson was super excited and had a lot of fun. He was scared at first when he saw the dinosaurs from far away, but quickly warmed up to it. Plus this time I sat in the back next to him (somehow I was able to wedge myself in between two car seats!), and I also took Beckham out and onto my lap so he didn’t fuss either.

Aside from a terrible blowout and having to put Beckham on the console to change/clean him/me, the day was a success!!

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