
Big boy room: Full-time status

At first Jackson was just sleeping in his big boy room during naps. At night time, we’d give him the choice and ask him which bed he wanted to sleep in. Usually he’d say the crib.

After about a week or two, though, he actually said he wanted to sleep in his big boy room at night — and then never went back. Again, he kind of surprised me in that I thought it would be a much longer and more difficult process.

That being said, some days are harder than others. It’s definitely trickier now that we can’t just trap him in the crib. Once he’s in his big boy bed, he does stay there (and interestingly enough, when he wakes up, he stays in his bed, too) — but it’s getting him in that can be the challenge. He has become the king of stalling.

Here’s just one instance from the other day, all the things he said when I (repeatedly) told him to climb in bed:

“No, I’m gonna check for worms.”

“No, I think the turtle is coming.”

“No, Daddy and Jackson were going to the moon.”

“No, first I just want to find some worms.”

Then there are times when he surprises us by how good he lays down. Just the other night, Justin and I were both in his room saying goodnight when he told us, “Ok, can you go downstairs please?”

So it looks like now we have officially checked off 2/3 from our parenting list. Next up: potty training. Ahhhh!


Outdoor fun

Everybody’s stocking up on fun things to do in the backyard as many of the regular summer activities will be canceled. Pools, splash pads and playgrounds, for example, will be closed. No park district classes, no baseball games, no horse races at the track, no festivals and likely no vacations.

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen in my local Facebook groups who are now all of a sudden getting their own pools installed in their yards. And nearly all the kiddie pools are already sold out online!

We got Jackson this cute little playhouse, along with a kids picnic table, which will hopefully be here soon but it’s already been delayed in shipping by over a month now. I did have a bit of a hard time at first, but I was able to snag a blow-up pool as well — we just haven’t tried it out yet.

The house, with its working doorbell, has been a hit. Believe it or not, Justin put it together all by himself! lol


Dispatches from bed

Jackson, awake during his nap (before he went to sleep): 

“I think I’m tired. My tummy is really hungry. But Mommy closed the door. 
Lamb, I’m really tired. I’m tired from all that dancing. Lamb, I’m just tired. 
I think we’re going to tell Mommy it’s time to wake up. 
We’re just waiting and waiting. We’re waiting because we’re really tired. 
Lamb is sleeping already. But Jackson is hungry. But the animals, they don’t care. 


Too much YouTube

Jackson asked for CocoMelon on YouTube and then requested the two different videos he wanted to watch:

 “First dinosaurs, then ABC Song U.S. Version.” 


I guess it’s never too early to brainstorm costumes

Jackson during breakfast: “Mommy, what are you going to be for Halloween?”

Me: “Oh, good question. What should I be for Halloween?”

Jackson: “Do you want to be a doggie? I’m going to be a wolf and I’m going to be a dinosaur. And I’m going to be a doggie. I’m going to be Luc!” 


Baby’s early arrival?

Jackson in the bathtub, ready to get out: “Mommy, we have to hurry!”

Me: “Oh, why do we have to hurry?”

Jackson: “Plus the baby is coming! He’s going to say, ‘What’s happening?’”


Rome reunion

Another Zoom call with friends: Kristine and her new baby, Elle, as well as Katie and her two girls, Julia and Ellie. So fun to get all the kids together, even if it’s virtually.

Also note to self: Hide the recorder before any future Zoom calls.

Jackson at one point runs up to the camera, “Guys, do you know the muffin man?”

Spoke too soon

The second day napping in his big boy room was a bit more challenging than the first. He wouldn’t stay put in his bed, so ultimately I just left and closed the door while he was still out and about.

It was hysterical watching him through the monitor — he played with his abacas, read a book and peaked outside the door a few times although luckily never tried to leave. At one point he started messing with the camera — I thought for sure he was going to turn it off!

Eventually I went back up and tucked him in, and then he slept in there just fine. I already miss being able to trap him in his crib — bed time used to be a breeze!

fyi – Not a video….just a screenshot from a video

Sleeping in the big boy room

Jackson’s first nap in his big boy room went better than I thought it would. At first he was super excited getting it all ready. He wanted the bed totally stripped down and threw off the comforter, sheets and pillows. Then we brought in his old blankets, the sound machine, the monitor and the humidifier from his old room.

He did start delaying with “let’s do this” or “let’s do that,” and we ended up doing story time on the chair in his old room so I thought for sure he’d end up back in the crib.

But after the book I just asked him which bed he wanted to sleep in and he said his big boy bed, and it went pretty smoothly from there. Initially he did get up out of his bed saying he wanted dinner, but then he asked me, “Are you going to go downstairs?”

“Yep, I’m going to go downstairs and you and Lamb are going to take a nap here in your big boy bed,” I told him.

“And I will wait for the beep, and when it beeps it’s time to get up,” he responded.

I have no idea where that came from, but yes — sounds good to me!
