And the winner is…

Thanks to everyone who sent in their baby predictions! It was fun to read through your submissions.

For most of the questions I gave one point for each correct answer, and then for time, weight and length, I awarded one point to whoever came closest in each category.

It was a close competition, and we ended up with a tie for first place. Each with an impressive 5 point total, the two people sharing the crown are…

Aunt Kristen and Lisa Fish!

Congratulations!!! Enjoy a vanilla latte as your prize! 🙂

Some notable responses:

  • Kristen came within a mere 20 minutes of the correct date and time with her guess of 1:38 a.m. on June 10. Wow! SO crazy!
  • Aunt Ginny was correct in her guess that the first name would start with a “B.” I can’t believe there was actually a winner here with so many possibilities! Made it easy for me. Not sure how else I would have done it — count the closest letter in the alphabet?
  • I had the correct weight at 7 lbs 8 oz and nearly the right length with a guess of 21 inches. (I swear I never got any inside info from the doctors! Although I suppose I did carry him for 9 months… Either way, I’m not counting my answers in the contest.)
  • Respondents were split almost 50/50 on the gender but were nearly unanimous in predicting hair. (There was no mustache, though…Sorry, Dylan! haha)

Answer Key

Gender: Boy

Date: 6/10/20

Time: 1:57 a.m.

Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz

Length: 20.75 in

Hair or no hair: Hair

Eye color: Blue

First name starts with: B

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