A virtual visit

Thanks to COVID, no one was allowed in or out of the hospital room.

So, for example, Justin couldn’t leave to get me some ice cubes. Or to pick up food the next day. (After our first order from the cafeteria, we learned we had to actually get two or three “meals” a person in order to not be hungry, lol.) And while normally spouses leave when you get the epidural for sterile reasons, this time they kept Justin in with us during the procedure.

Unfortunately, this policy also meant no visitors could come meet the baby. I was so sad that Jackson couldn’t visit us there. But as with everything these days, we had to make do with Zoom!

Initially I had the camera set only on me, and Justin was out of view holding Beckham. I didn’t want Jackson to be jealous or upset that we were there with the baby and not him.

He didn’t seem to mind, though.

After saying hello, he told me he was exercising and ran away. I thought for sure that would be the end of our visit, haha.

But he did come back to the camera, and I started asking him about what he was doing but he cut me off.

“Where did the baby go?” he said.

Apparently I didn’t have to hide Beckham, after all. We showed him Justin and the baby, who was sleeping, and Jackson said he was sleeping, too. When I said the baby was wrapped in a blanket, he ran to get a blanket, too.

Then Jackson showed us the little baby dolls my mom had brought for him. He was laying them down and putting on their blankets, too.

He was way more interested than I was expecting him to be. And the best part of our virtual visit is that I was able to record it, so now we have a video of the special moment that we can watch again and again.

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