
Sleeping like a baby

I’m so relieved to not have to worry any more about which direction his head is turned while he’s asleep! And no more trying to flip him to face the other way at the risk of waking him up!

The end

The ugly truth

I was reading Jackson his food truck book, which is all about the different types of cuisine in different cultures, when he interrupted:

“Wait! Did you say lamb??? Like this lamb?!” 

(Holds up his favorite stuffed animal.)

The end

Any color…except that one

I was programming Jackson’s sound machine so that it would change colors once quiet time or nap time was over, and then he’d know it was OK to leave his room. You can do this from an app, so it literally has the whole spectrum of the rainbow to choose from and you can drag the marker all around it to select any shade.

So, I told him he could pick any color he wanted.

“Ummm…. grey!!!!” he said.

Go figure, of all the possibilities, he picks a color that is not an option. I told him he had to pick a new color.

“Brown!!” he said.

Also not on there….

Pick another one, I told him.

“Black!!” he said.


Finally I said, “How about green.”

The end