
2 months old

His official stats: He weighs 12 pounds, 11 ounces and he’s 24 inches long. That puts him at the 60th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height.

This was surprising just because Jackson was so much tinier! I don’t have his old stats, but he was always in the 30th to 50th percentile range for everything.

Continuing from last month, he’s still a great sleeper and a great pooper, lol. And still loooooooves watching Jackson.

Happy 2 months, Beckham!

The end

Sheltering in place…

…while sheltering in place!!

The tornado sirens sent us into the basement for cover as 100 mph winds hit the area. Several tornados ended up touching down, including one in Wheaton and Lombard. It was crazy to look at its path later because it was west of us and heading right towards us but then hopped right over us only to land again just a bit farther east.

Our street didn’t get too much fallen debris, but later when I drove through town there were massive, massive trees ripped out of the ground and tons of damage everywhere.

First an infectious disease spreading around the world, then out of control wildfires on the west coast, and now tornados in Chicago… this year is crazy!

The end