
Beckham’s 1st month

I’m sure I will be saying this every month… but, I can’t believe a month just went by! It already feels like he is growing up so fast.

A couple of highlights from Beckham’s first month:

First, his sleep!!

I worry I will jinx it every time I say it, but Beckham has been a pretty good sleeper. He sleeps sooooo much better than Jackson ever did at this age. Beckham gives me much longer stretches at night, and that has made a world of a difference.

The other night he went 4.5 hours before waking up and I was like whaaaaaaat is happening???!!! But usually he’ll go about 3-4 hours initially and then maybe 2-3 hours after that. Jackson, on the other hand, was waking up every 1-2 hours all night long. If I ever got even close to a 3-hour stretch, I felt amazing the next day. So Beckham’s sleep schedule has been a welcome surprise.

Also, I don’t have to do anything special to put Beckham down at night. No rocking or anything. I just lay him down in his bassinet, even if he’s awake, and he’s totally fine. I can’t remember what age Jackson was, but I definitely remember rocking him in the middle of the night waiting for him to fall in a deep enough slumber so that he wouldn’t wake up once I put him down. Maybe this stage is still coming with Beckham, but so far so good. Knock on wood!!!

Next, his poop! Omg… it’s crazy. He is definitely much more of a pooper than Jackson was. I am always amazed when I have to do TWO diaper changes to get through one feeding. And this happens much more often than you’d think!

I remember when I was getting all of Jackson’s old baby clothes ready, I was surprised by how nice and clean and “new-looking” all of his onesies were. I don’t think these outfits are going to fare as well through this baby, lol.

Overall, Beckham has been a pretty easy baby so far. He loves staring at Jackson, mirrors and his black and white picture book. And snuggling in his baby wrap.

The end
The end
The end