
Baby kangaroo

Beckham looooves the wrap!

And so do I! We use it all the time. I don’t know how I could possibly chase after Jackson (inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs, this room, that room, sitting, standing, etc.) without it.

The end
The end

Double teamed

I am SO missing the days of being able to trap Jackson in his crib. He runs away at nap time now! It’s so hard to get him in his bed (and stay there). And to think I used to just so easily lay him down in the crib and be done.

Today, for example, I was trying to change his diaper before his nap, and he ran into the nursery and hid under the crib. I was wearing Beckham at the time, so I couldn’t get under there and get him. And he thinks it’s soooooo funny.

Actually the other night Luc grabbed something he shouldn’t have had, and then he ran and hid under the crib, too!! These two are killing are me!

Jackson seemed fine when we first brought Beckham home, but I started noticing a change after Justin went back to work. I think initially he didn’t mind my attention on the baby because then he just went to Justin for everything.

But once Justin started working again, and my attention was still on the baby, that’s when Jackson started acting out more.

He would flip over and dump out Luc’s water bowl nearly every time he passed it. He would drop things inside my coffee mug. And he’s been really rough with Luc. Plus as I mentioned above, nap time has become horrendous.

I’ve been googling “how to get your toddler to listen” and trying every method in the book. Nothing really seems to work.

Another recent battle: Jackson barely eats anything any more. He says he just wants a “snack.” I tried just calling everything a snack even if it was say, spaghetti for dinner, but he was too wise to that.

I hope this passes soon! Now I’ve got him and Luc both teamed up against me, haha.

The end