
It’s go time!

We head off to the hospital bright and early tomorrow morning. I still can’t believe it. It does not feel real AT ALL.

Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight, but I don’t know if that’s possible. Maybe finish watching Survivor?!

This evening Jackson joined me in bedrest for a bit, and I told him that tomorrow mommy and daddy are going to go to the hospital and then we’re going to bring home the baby.

“Well, I want to come, too!” he said. (So bummed he won’t be able to visit us in the hospital!)

Then a little bit later I said tomorrow is going to be such an exciting day because the baby is coming.

He started bouncing up and down saying, “I’m excited! I’m excited!” followed by “I’m laughing! I’m laughing!” as he panted like a dog.

The end

Walk-ins welcome

Justin realized he was going to look a little crazy in pictures with the baby, so he booked a last minute appointment at Mommy’s Barber Shop.

We managed to sneak in one more quarantine haircut the night before heading to the hospital. I think I’m starting to get the hang of it!

The end

Quiz: Baby Predictions

Fill out your predictions on this form here: https://forms.gle/E2evzVGSs5F4TaVB7

Winner gets a special prize!

I realize I still have not tallied up the results and announced the winner from Jackson’s birth…so you may not trust me this time around, lol. I wanted to do it now, but I’m having some difficulty accessing the old blog. So that one is still TBD!

The end

Moment of truth

I had to go to the hospital today for the dreaded COVID test. I have heard they are awful, but I was told this one would be a self-administered swab. So how bad could it be if I was doing it myself? This one must be a different kind of test, I figured.


It was not self-administered. And it was awful.

I drove up to the ER and a guy came out to my car all dressed in protective gear. He gave me the test right there through the car window.

At first it seems like it’s not so bad, but then they keep going…and going…and going. They do both nostrils, too, so you have to go through it twice. My eyes were watering, and my head and the back of neck hurt for awhile afterward.

“Sorry I made you cry!” he said.

At least the whole thing is quick. And they were quick to give me the results, too. They called me within an hour or two and let me know it came back negative.


The end