
Isolating begins

Once I hit 37 weeks, we started strict quarantine measures since we are potentially 2 to 3 weeks away from delivery, and I do NOT want to test positive for the virus when I go to that hospital!

The policies have been changing wildly at hospitals across the country, but where it stands now for me is that all moms are tested for COVID prior to admission. If you test positive, you are not allowed a support person (in other words, Justin could not come with me inside the hospital for the birth) and the baby is immediately taken away from you and transferred to the NICU as soon as it’s born.

Hence our strict measures. We have taken it pretty seriously already, but now we are getting our groceries delivered so Justin doesn’t have to go inside any stores. I do still have to go OB appointments, but other than that we aren’t leaving the house or seeing any people. I don’t even want to go for a walk around the block because there’s so many people out there!

Unfortunately the same is true for my mom, dad and Emily since my mom will be watching Jackson while we’re at the hospital. All this while the rest of the state has officially started opening things back up.

Another thing that has come up is that many women are getting induced at 39 weeks due to coronavirus concerns. Basically my doctor said elective inductions at 39 were already a thing prior to the virus, but that with COVID they’re more popular now because you have a scheduled date and can more easily quarantine beforehand (you and any other caregivers). Also if you do happen to test positive, you may be able to go back home and wait another two weeks before coming back to the hospital. And an earlier delivery means fewer OB appointments and fewer chances of catching it.

“I’m really glad I’m not pregnant right now having to make these decisions,” my doctor told me. Sheesh, thanks lady!

I reaaaaaally wanted to avoid another induction this time, so hopefully baby #2 will just come early on its own!!

The end
The end

Progress report

At 37 weeks, I was 1 cm dilated, 70 percent effaced and the baby was very low. The doctor thought that was all encouraging news.

However, I wasn’t as convinced. That is the exact same report I got back for Jackson — and he was 10 days late, haha.

I still feel like this baby may come early though — just to throw me for a loop. As far as timing goes, I’ve been getting curveballs with this one since the beginning.

First, when I thought I may be pregnant, I took a pregnancy test that came back negative. I waited another day and got another negative test — assuming at that point I must not be pregnant after all. It wasn’t until several days later when I ultimately did get a positive.

Then at my first ultrasound, the doctor said I was measuring two weeks behind the point I thought I was at. She had me come back for another ultrasound two weeks later, and to all of our surprise, I was back on target for the original due date: June 16.

Fast forward to my last ultrasound, and this time the baby was several days ahead.

So who knows what is going on in there, but I’m expecting another surprise ahead!

The end