
Glucose test

It’s funny to think back to going to doctor appointments for my first pregnancy in that I would get stressed about having to pee in a cup.

This time around I have to worry about catching a super contagious virus that we hardly know anything about. And that pregnant women may fall into the higher risk category.

Since the official stay-at-home order went into place, there has been a lot of confusion and differing opinions on what that means for OB appointments. Should I still go into the office? Skip them? Do them over the phone? I couldn’t really find a straight answer — probably because no one really knows what to do yet.

Unfortunately I was due for my glucose test so I couldn’t really avoid a trip out. It was my first time venturing out of the house in weeks, which definitely felt strange.

I was expecting it to be like a ghost-town, but the streets didn’t seem that empty. Luckily though the doctor’s office was totally empty. My appointment was in the evening in the lab after the regular offices closed so there were maybe three cars in the parking lot. And no one else was even in the waiting room, so that was good, too.

The lab technician was wearing a mask and that did make it feel a little creepy. If I had “white coat syndrome” before with Jackson, I kept thinking what is this going to do to my blood pressure in the hospital when all the doctors and nurses are wearing masks??!

To be safe, they ended up putting me into my own little area with a reclining chair and a curtain to separate me from the rest of the room. It actually was pretty comfortable!

The end